Napoleon Crossing
the St. Bernard Pass
François Georgin
Passage du Mont Saint-Bernard
This image was inspired by the vast canvas
by Charles Thévenin (1764-1838).
Signed in the Plate: Georgin
The text reads, in part:
Original French: "Le Mont St. Bernard,
qui est sur le point practicable pour communiquer
de la Suisse en Piemont, est situte entre le
Valais et la Vallee d'Aost. Couvert des glaces
aussi vieilles que le monde, son front escape
se perd dans les nues a 7540 pieds au dessus
du niveau de la mere. Le 17 mai 1800 BONAPARTE,
General en chef de l'armee francaise, arriva
au pied des Alpes; l'avant-garde, commandee
par le general Lannes, et bientot apres le gros
de l'armee se met en mouvement. .... Jamais
Bonaparte ne deploya de plus grand talens qu
áu pied du Mont St. Bernard: son habilete
et la profondeur de son genie se firent remarquer
jusque dans les moindres details."
Rough English Translation: Mont St.
Bernard which is the passage between Switzerland
and the Piedmont [in Italy], is situated between
the Valais and the Valley of Aosta. Covered
with ice as old as the earth, its steep face
hidden in clouds at 7540 feet above sea level.
On May 17, 1800, Bonaparte, General in Chief
of the French Army, arrives at the foot of the
Alps, the first advance was led by General Lannes,
and soon afterwards the entire army began to
move.... Never had Bonaparte demonstrated the
depth of his skill and genius as he did at the
foot of Mont St. Bernard."
Dimensions: 67 X 48 cm
Condition: Edges Rough. Some light spotting
around outer edges.